Steamed Fish Fillet on Dried Banana Leaf

To surprise your family with a delicious steamed fish fillet on a dried banana leaf.



Steamed Fish Fillet on Dried Banana Leaf

To surprise your family with a delicious steamed fish fillet on a dried banana leaf.
6 Portions        | 00:35:00


  • 6 fish fillets.
  • 2 tomatoes sliced.
  • 3 Serrano peppers sliced.
  • Cilantro to taste.
  • 60 grams of butter.
  • 1/2 onion sliced.
  • 12 dried banana leaves.
  • 500 milliliters of water.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Pepper to taste.




  • We place a deep container.
  • We add the water.
  • We pass the banana leaves to hydrate.
  • We reserve.
  • We take a banana leaf.
  • We place a fish fillet.
  • Add tomato to taste.
  • Add onion to taste.
  • Add chile serrano to taste.
  • Add salt to taste.
  • We add pepper to taste.
  • We add coriander to taste.
  • We add 10 grams of butter.
  • We close with the help of another banana leaf.
  • We moor.
  • We put a steamer.
  • Add the fish fillets.
  • Leave it on the fire for 20 minutes.
Ready! we have finished our steamed fish fillets on dried banana leaf.





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Recipes Vegan Steamed Fish Fillet on Dried Banana Leaf