Stuffed Picadillo Chiles

These peppers stuffed with mincemeat are delicious, ideal to share with the family.



Stuffed Picadillo Chiles

These peppers stuffed with mincemeat are delicious, ideal to share with the family.
3 Portions        | 01:10:00


  • 3 poblano peppers.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 1 cup of flour.
  • 1 plate of hash.
  • Oil to fry.




  • We put an iron on the fire.
  • We add poblano peppers.
  • We leave tatemar for 15 minutes turning constantly.
  • We take a plastic bag.
  • We add poblano peppers.
  • We let sweat for 10 minutes.
  • We take a poblano pepper.
  • We remove the skin.
  • We make a cut.
  • We unveil.
  • Fill with hash to taste and reserve.
  • We put an extended container.
  • We add the flour.
  • We pass the poblano chile for the flour if necessary we close the chile with the help of chopsticks, we reserve.
  • We put a deep bowl.
  • We add the eggs.
  • We beat nougat point and reserve.
  • We put a pan on the fire.
  • We add enough oil and let heat.
  • We take a poblano pepper.
  • We went through the beaten egg.
  • We take to the pan.
  • Let fry for 15 minutes turning constantly.
  • Remove from heat and place on absorbent paper.
Ready! we have finished our finely chopped stuffed chiles finished.





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Recipes Main Course Stuffed Picadillo Chiles